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How to add product on amazon without brand registry?

‘Amazon must approve your brand before you can use it to list products. Brands should be registered through Brand Registry, but if your brand is not eligible for Brand Registry, you can obtain an exception by contacting Seller Support and mentioning error code 5665.’
If you do not have any separate US trademarks. There are a way to register a product without brand registration.

You can contact any product vendor who can provide custom service for you. Then, they can help you to custom package and products, and help you to print your logo on the packaging and products. They can take some photos for you. Then, you can provide these photos to Amazon seller support. Then you can sell register a product.

If you want to register a brand, you still need to find a supplier who can help you to custom package and products. This step is necessary.

We are a professional lashes vendor who can help you to custom package and product. Maybe you are not going to sell lashes, but this is a good idea, right?

Please feel free to contact us, we will try our best to help you.


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